Hello all. Currently a 37 sorc, Nightwrath. Been playing this game almost since release but took a break over this last year to join the army but am getting back into the game with a brand new account because I was tired of coming back to my old guys and just using my high lvl stuff to make new toons faster. This way I've gotten to experience the game all over again the right way.
and love it
In real life, I'm a relatively new helicopter pilot and have joined the army help continue that passion and to do my part. Currently I'm a blackhawk mechanic and in a couple months intened to put my packet in for the army pilot program (I got told by my recruiter that you couldn't wear glasses and fly, which wasn't true at all so having to be a warrant officer the hard way but oh well
Other than the strange schedules the army provides, my first duty station is here in Fairbanks AK which is about 2-3 hours behind most of the players in the lower states but I will definitely try to stay on as much as possible.
But thanks again for invite and hope this will be fun